CBD Oil: Please learn from my mistake [View all]
For over a year, and at an estimated cost of around $2,000 (actually, I'm afraid it was probably more), I took CBD oil offered by a nutritional supplements company I really trust, even though I couldn't tell if it did anything. Why?
1. The reviewers on their website said it was great CBD oil, the best. Some reviewers would say things like, "I've tried dozens of CBD oils and this is the very best I've ever had."
2. Trust in the company, which has a history of high quality products in other areas.
3. My dog seemed to get something out of it.
4. Irrational thinking: "Well, maybe it's doing something and I just don't know it." "Maybe I don't have cannabinoid receptors, but it might be helping to prevent cancer or improve my cognition, or maybe I actually am sleeping better and don't realize it," or "maybe I'd be feeling much worse if I weren't taking it."
I finally stopped ordering it, except for some tincture for my dog (he really does seem to like it, and responds quickly).
Two weeks ago, I heard an ad for a CBD seller on Progressive radio and on a whim made an impulse purchase of some capsules from this other vendor. I was thinking, There has to be something to this CBD oil, so many people talk about it. Did I get screwed?
This new product is better. There's no doubt that it has a calming effect. It seems to improve my mood. You can absolutely feel it doing something. It also tastes completely different than the product I had been using, which had a flavor like clove oil with orange added.
So if you are hoping that CBD oil works for you, and been trying it out with unimpressive results, try several different brands. And my suggestion is not to take it if you don't think it's doing anything. It was an expensive and fairly stupid mistake on my part.