securities exams I took to sell stocks, btw).
And in this case there is no past to even gauge. The industry is in a huge state of flux and money invested may well be thrown down a hole. Or it could make one something. But if you had access to the side of the trades the market makers have, you would very likely realize how they are organized to keep that last possibility out of the grasp of most of the stockholders
Problem is one has to have money to make money, and more and more a LOT of money. If you are not one of those, and I am in that boat too as well as you, one is on the menu for the rest.
There is a huge pull to make money today, but I suspect the odds on this one are slightly worse than those scratch offs at the gas station. But the possibilities are how they get worker bees to put their money in, which mostly goes to the people who created the IPO. Whether anyone else makes much is a tossup.
I think people would make more if they would cooperate with each other and figure out how to stay away from what is becoming an industry run by a lot of money and people who really don't have anyone's best interests at heart but their own.
You may see it differently, and that's ok.