It covers everything, including the many fertilizer choices. Fertilizer can be a sticky issue (probably the only area that causes debate).
Organic vs. commercial preparations, the different types of natural high nitrogen fertilizers for the flowering stage, what's best for the vegetative state vs. best for the flowering stage, etc.
There's a lot of info and no shortage of opinions.
It sounds like yours is big and strong enough to transplant and begin fertilizing.If you've grown tomatoes, there's not much difference in the needs and care.
A good, light potting soil mix (Pro-mix is great) mixed with humus and/or sterile manure is a great growing medium that continually supplies nutrients. Let the plant settle into it's new pot for a several days and then begin your fertilization regimen.
The bigger the pot, the better. We transplanted 3" clones directly into their final 5 gallon buckets. The root system needs plenty of space to grow and spread without stress. Too much stress on the roots can cause a plant to go hermaphrodite.
This all sounds more complicated than it is- it really is a weed. How much you do depends on how fussy you want to get with it, and how you feel about organic vs. nonorganic. We used Miracle Gro. It was super easy, and it's a complete fertilizer that contains trace elements, like manganese, that are missing from many natural fertilizers. We never had any growth or deficiency issues and couldn't taste "chemicals" in the buds (as some like to claim). This was also 25 years ago, so there are likely cannabis-specific commercial preparations available now.
Once you make those decisions, it's easy. What's most important, as far as potentcy, is harvesting at the exact right time. The book covers that, too.