I don't know what the chances are for the half-wits giving in and letting us have it.
I'm near a couple towns in Washington state the fought letting the shops open even after legalization was passed. One effort was comical. This ignorant hag found some provision that if she got enough signatures on her petition, the city council would have to reconsider. She tried and failed.
He letter to the editor after she bombed was pathetic. One of her claims was that one guy was really nasty to her when she rang his door bell. He yelled at her that he was going to use drugs no matter what anyone said! Bullshit! No one would say that to her, especially not a stoner. They especially wouldn't refer to weed as drugs either. Obvious lie.
I pissed off a couple of my white-wing friends on FB by explaining the main problem with legalization was the eat shit factor. Rednecks that hated the 60's, the hippies, weed and everything related to it, will never give in no matter what. It's a major humiliation for them to finally lose that one. Their worst nightmare is that it's legalized and not much at all changes. At least there is no major problems related to it. They're trying though. I think I saw a claim that car collisions have gone up in Colorado. Nice try. I don't buy it.