There is nothing worse than spider mites. When they realize they're being attacked, they begin having an orgy. If you see one, there is 10,000 you don't see. Short of a nuclear bomb, nothing gets rid of them. Many claim they have the cure all for spider mites, however, in my experience, they just use whatever you spray them with as salad dressing. The web's they spin are used to protect themselves against predators, not to trap a food source.
You have a few plants and you can contain them. The best thing you can do as to not damage the plants and contaminate them with poison, rinse them with water periodically.
I am a former master grower of a very large grow in Denver Colorado. Once your grow is infested with them, trying to eradicate them is impossible. Even if you throw everything away in the building and fumigate, there will be survivors waiting to attack you again. The only way to rid a building of all spider mites is to literally bring the temperature in the building down below freezing for several days.
They are indeed a commercial growers worst nightmare. Your work in a grow becomes a hundred times more laborious and a hundred times more expensive just trying to contain them.
Sorry to be the Debbie downer, but it's the truth. Spider mites are pure fucking evil!