Cannabis and Sleep: 10 Things to Know About Your Herbal Nightcap [View all]
Cannabis can be a splendid sleep aid, which is why many consumers keep a go-to favorite by their bedside. Even people with the most stubborn insomnia can find their escape to the dream world with a nice sedating indica. While most consumers are aware that cannabis can help you get a good nights sleep, theres a lot more to that relationship than you might think. For example, did you know older dried cannabis makes you sleepier than fresh bud? And did you know that marijuana inhibits dreams?
Get ready to learn a thing or two about the ways cannabis can help or hinder your nightly hibernation.
1.. CBD and THC Affect Sleep Differently
By now you probably know that there are different types of strains: some get you high (high-THC, low-CBD), some dont (high-CBD, low-THC), and others keep your buzz at a minimum (equal or near-equal parts THC and CBD). Its worth first noting that most sleep studies as well as the facts to follow pertain to high-THC strains, as CBD strains are significantly harder (if not impossible) to find in some areas of the U.S.
So what effect do high-CBD strains have on sleep? A 2006 study tested the effects of CBD on animal models in both lights-on and lights-off environments and found that this non-psychoactive cannabis compound increased alertness with the lights on and had no discernable effects on lights-off sleep. The studys authors concluded that CBD might actually hold therapeutic promise for those with somnolence, or excessive daytime sleepiness from a not-so-good nights rest.