...is of course, the "safety" factor. Somewhere along the way, cannabis gained the reputation of making the user Unsafe at Any Job. I never understood this because, in my experience, cannabis made me much more aware of my surroundings and my personal place in the world. I couldn't imagine feeling 'unsafe'.
Early users of cannabis discovered that it enhanced just about everything....including work. So for a few years from the late 60's thru the early 70's, everybody felt good and the workplace hummed along safely and efficiently.
Then, some knucklehead, later infamously known as the "20-20 Trucker", went on TV and explained how it was all being done with the widespread use and acceptance of cannabis and 'speed'. Ron and Nancy were listening and because they had a daughter who had chosen 'pot' over them, they were primed to begin their War on Drugs.
It took a couple of decades for the trucking industry to rid itself of the pot smokers. The Canadians were more reluctant to invade a drivers body looking for evidence of a crime, so I had a couple of years of grace.
However, even as I plotted to remove myself from the industry, I took one last job that required me to undergo a piss test. I even stopped smoking 3 weeks in advance. Did my medical, peed in the cup and hit the road. A month and a half later when I got back to the terminal, they informed me that I had failed the piss test. They wanted me to re-apply once I got home.
So when I got home, I rolled a fattie and thought about my future in trucking, my health and the corporate pressure to assimilate. I sparked that doobie and wrote my letter of resignation. And lived happily ever after....