Race and Class Matters & Modern Day Slavery [View all]
reposting from another forum
It is imperative in my view to keep in mind the direct causation of institutionalized Racism and the struggle to eradicate it requires a Race and Class analysis as it is deeply and intimately entwined in our culture and socio-economic and In-Justice system and which DIRECTLY BENEFITS the RULING CLASS which could not exist if it, Institutionalized Racism, were to ever be dismantled and/or eradicated.
Contrary to our mythological narrative, I'm also arguing that Slavery has not been eradicated.
It continues to this day and it is perfectly legal. In the form of low wages, prohibitively expensive education, prohibitively expensive housing, high medical costs, childcare, food, and all other necessities needed to provide a decent living and healthy environment to raise our children, ensuring quality care for seniors, etc.- conditions in which healthy communities would be able to thrive and would be the norm, were it not for the structure of institutionalized SLAVERY.
And who are these modern day slaves? All of us who are not in the 1% (aka the Ruling Class). I'm guessing members of the Ruling Class isn't a reader, so the modern day slaves generally speaking would be you, me, family, friends, neighbors and other community members.
Although I have not read Marx, I've picked up enough through out the years from peers and other sources whom I tend to largely agree with, and thus I consider myself a self identified Socialist..
Although I haven't read Mao's Communist Manifesto, I've picked up enough over the years through conversations with peers and other sources whom I am not so inclined to agree with.
That said, I have no illusions with regard to "dismantling" the Capitalist system in Amerika.
Not in my lifetime. There's a reason why we have never, ever had a self-avowed Socialist as POTUS.
But I am both intrigued and hopeful with the possibility of a more Just and
Equitable society and it would restore some considerable measure of faith in humanity and my fellow citizens if we were united with a shared vision in achieving socio-economic JUSTICE and equality in the understanding that what we're dealing with here is a struggle against the Ruling Class and all of it's permutations and manifestations.
I'm currently reading this
Black Agenda piece which was nicely excerpted and linked in an
OP on DU a few days ago, which does not seem to be getting any notice it deserves to have, imo. .
to AOR
En solidaridad en la lucha por la justicia y la igualdad!
dans camarades de solidarité!