support a corporate run oligarchy and disparage those that would fight for freedom it shows that 1. They are susceptible to the propaganda of the Oligarchy, 2. They have been raised to put their personal comfort above being free and thinking for themselves, and 3. They can some how, rationalize that helping corporations make profits is more important than helping the 2.5 million homeless children. And they call themselves Democrats.
I want a revolution but no violence. I know that the Corp-Oligarchy will not allow that because they want the violence, they welcome the violence because they can use it. They will pit one section of the 99% against the other and use the violence to justify clamping down more on our rights. Actually we've had a good start on this civil war. The Oligarchy is currently militarizing the local police forces and promoting tough drug laws that see the minority communities targeted and singled out to be incarcerated. This can't continue before the minority communities rebel. Sadly, it seems the minority communities, fault the white middle class in lieu of the Oligarchy. Racial unrest plays directly into the hands of the Oligarchy. Don't get me wrong, blaming the white middle class is understandable as that is where the support lies for "voting" in the Corporate politicians. What's sadly ironic is that the portion of the middle class that supports the Big Corporations (New-Democrats) will tell you they support the minority communities and they think they do. But it's their elected politicians, call them neo-liberals or New-Democrats, that have clamped down hard on the minority communities.
Michelle Alexander explains it clearly in her book, "The New Jim Crow." The New-Democrats (DLC) clamped down hard on drug laws that effected mostly the AA and other minority communities. Not only that they severely damaged welfare programs but also made it impossible for felons to get welfare, foodstamps, and help with education costs. And why one might ask? To win over those Americans that support the conservative racial agenda. The New-Democrats created the current racial under-caste. And yet there are people that claim to be fighting for racial rights but that support the New-Democrat's agenda.