Tom Eblen: Forums look at what Kentucky can learn from former Welsh coalfields [View all]
Lexington Herald Leader
Tom Eblen: Forums look at what Kentucky can learn from former Welsh coalfields
September 28, 2014
People in the remote hills and valleys were subsistence farmers before the mining industry came. For generations afterward, King Coal provided most of the decent jobs and dominated almost every aspect of life.
But mechanization gradually eliminated tens of thousands of mining jobs. When economic and political conditions suddenly changed, most of the coal industry shut down. Communities were left with high unemployment, a ravaged landscape and an uncertain future.
This is the story of Eastern Kentucky. It also is the story of South Wales.
These two regions separated by the Atlantic Ocean share many traits and experiences. Community leaders working to create a post-coal economy in Central Appalachia think there are lessons to be learned from Wales, which has been dealing with many of the same challenges for three decades....
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