5 Things Democrats MUST Do To Win In 2014 [View all]
From Ring of Fire:
1. Kill the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a dangerous trade deal negotiated between Obama and American corporations. Often called NAFTA on steroids or a corporate Trojan horse, the TPP basically grants corporations their own sovereign powers and governmental protections. Whats worse, is that these negotiations have been done in secret from the public and even Congress, which has angered many politicians on Capitol Hill.
Interestingly, progressives and Tea Partiers have found a common enemy in the TPP. Democrats are unhappy with Obama in this instance because the president excluded his own party from draft negotiations on the TPP. President Obama and Sen. Max Baucus have been pushing the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities Act of 2014, a fast-track bill that would present unamendable trade deals to Congress, which would only allow an up-or-down vote devoid of any Congressional debate.
Whether or not Congressional Democrats should kill the TPP is a no-brainer. And considering that liberals and conservatives are kind of on the same side regarding the TPP, for very different reasons of course, failing to do such would come as a disheartening shock.
2. Dont Let Issues Die
The left would do well to continue holding the conservatives accountable for their controversies, mistakes, and crimes. The Chris Christie Bridgegate Scandal is still fresh on Americas mind, so that should prove to be easily achieved, and Florida Gov. Rick Scotts antics have pretty much been forever engrained into the consciousness of nearly every liberal. Scott has drawn much attention to himself for his anti-working class, pro-corporate legislations. Scott has been sued multiple times by the American Civil Liberties Union, most times losing because of the unconstitutionality of his laws.
Full list can be
found here.