Boy With Autism Asks Santa Emotional Question, Gets Heartwarming Answer [View all]
Sometimes Santa is the only person to confide in. For 6-year-old Landon, he was looking for reassurance, because some people think he is naughty because he has autism.
Landon was visiting Santa with his mom, Naomi, at the RiverTown Crossings mall in Michigan and made sure to give Santa his list. But then, he ran back up to Santa and asked him a question that was on his mind Will my autism put me on the naughty list? Landon wanted Santa to know he had autism and he was concerned that people thought he was naughty because of his condition.
Santa asked if it bothered him.
Sometimes, Landon responded. But Santa told Landon it shouldnt bother him and its ok to be who you are. He told him, You know I love you and the reindeer love you and its OK. Youre a good boy. Youre a good boy, you know?
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