And iced them and put them in individual baggies and passed them out. Apparently word has gotten around town from previous years that they are good.
So few people hand out candy or decorate here that the people really appreciate people who do decorate and pass out candy. The churches have taken over Halloween and restricted the costumes kids can wear and such.
They don't have anything as far as social services in this town except for the senior citizens center. My father founded it as a 501 (c)(3) non-profit, back in the late 1980s, and since he died in 2000 it has gone downhill steadily, because there is no one smart enough to run it properly. They used to serve low-cost government surplus food lunches but that has not been done in years. He raised money, got a matching grant and made sure the company that built the building were bonded and insured, so some thief wouldn't take all the money.
Because of the huge amounts of poverty and lack of jobs in rural America, we have lots of con artists, beggars and hustlers and people with rap sheets.
thank you for your kind words.
My kid is busy with her life and hubby's kids are estranged from him, to put it mildly. He said that the older son wishing I had died that night was the worst thing anyone had said to him in his life. I've made it nearly sixty years now without a death threat, but not now.
They're in another state and we're ignoring them. Younger son is in bad situations but not as hateful. We have nothing in common with him to talk about since he thinks all musicians that are baby boomers are ancient and he has nothing to learn from us.