It seems I am not eligible for Medicare? [View all]
We came to the USA in 2003 and my wife has worked ever since full time, paying large amounts of taxes.
She is 10 years younger than me and I have not "worked" here unless you call raising three children work. Yes, I was a full time house dad - one of very few it appears.
So when I turned 65 I assumed that as in Australia I would qualify for a Medicare type cover.
Not in the backward USA I fear.
I regard this a sex discrimination.
If I am alive when my wife turns 61 I can get some sort of Medicare cover. Not sure about how much or any other details. Probably some Catch 22 will come up. And that is 6 years away.
I tied explaining this to my local Federal Dem rep's assistant but I think she missed the point completely and was rather dismissive.
Trying to contact with a human in the Dept of Medicare proved fruitless.
Am I barking up the wrong tree with this?
I feel we have paid a lot more taxes than most people and should be qualified to get Medicare but the work roles are designed for a patriarchal system only?
Anybody know how to proceed with this?