if you had the DU3 Greatest page bookmarked in your browser, the same bookmark will take you to the same page on DU4. So your browser homepage should persist with the DU4 Greatest Discussions page. If that's not happening, please let me know.
I need a bit more information about the "back" button issue. Can you tell me exactly what happens when you try to use the "back" button to get back to the Greatest Page, after clicking through to a thread? Is the "back" button simply unavailable -- greyed out in your browser? Can you click it, but nothing happens? Are you taken back, but get an error page? Or something else? Please let me know and I should be able to help with this, or at least give you some more info.
For your requests:
1) You can reach the Greatest page from anywhere on the site by simply clicking Navigate > Greatest Discussions. You do not need to be on the home page to do this.
2) At the moment, the page will always default to "Most rec'd" whenever you go to it. If you change that setting ( to, say, "Most recent" ) it is technically possible for the browser to remember it, so that you always have that view when you return to the page. However, Elad and I had a debate over this and ultimately we decided not to have the browser remember your decision, although off the top of my head I can't remember if it was for technical reasons or something else. That said, I agree that it would be cool for people to be able to set "Most recent" as their preferred view, if that's what they want to see. I'll go over this again with Elad and see if we can come up with a solution.