IF I win the lottery, I can probably set him up with his own restaurant and it will be AMAZING.
So he offers us tastes and we talk about stuff like how to tell when an acorn squash is ripe.
We talk about getting snow shoveled and getting kids to school. My Hubby's car has all wheel traction and my son drives a sporty car that wants to peel out when you gently tap on the gas. It's his dream car, but a nightmare on icy winter roads.
But I had to broken record him and practically threw him out of my car for trying to sell me on a talking point using something MTG said. Kudos to me for not running him over in my red-visioned rage.
Then he tried it again when he was driving and I made him pull over. I was ready to walk, but he compromised and stopped trying to mansplain his crap to me.
I have limits I set and when they get too noisy upstairs I go up to get them to chill out.
We buried his 10 year old cat that died after it got stuck out of the house for a week. We think he ate a mouse or rat that was poisoned. We tried to save him, but it didn't work.
My Son's love of cats does make him part mine. He prefers dogs, but that cat actually climbed up my son's work overhauls and into his heart at a job site. Cat was so lovable but a chunker and picking him up made him cranky. You could pet him and his purr was this triple thing with a chirp at the end sometimes. He'd let you "nose touch" with him and sometimes he'd initiate a head bump. Cat crawled into the whole family's heart.
I'm still needing to finish reading Verbal JUDO the art of gentle persuasion. Supposedly it should help. But that was written for COPS to defuse situations. Not sure how to deal when someone's version of reality is completely different than mine.