Glossary of Acronyms/Abbreviations used on DU [View all]
Here's a proposal: if you use an acronym in a post, register it here in this thread, in the format described, so that folks can look here instead of Google when they encounter something unfamiliar.
But it will only be useful if posters here abide by the very strict guidelines for this thread:
1) use the post TITLE line for the acronym, and if space allows, for the full wording as well.
3) No discussions or extraneous posts; if your acronym merits an explanation, fine, include that in the message body, but please, no discussions or replies unless really, really critical.
4) Only post *actually* used acronyms, not everything you can think of.
5) One entry per post
This will only be useful if it is LEAN and EASY to browse, especially if the entire content fits in the title box.
So, let's say you just made a post using an acronym: now come to this thread and post the definition (after checking whether it is already "registered" here).
When posters complain about mysterious acronyms, point them to this thread rather than Google.
I don't know if this will succeed, but no harm trying.