Do things that make you feel good about you. Eat well, exercise, make plans and then execute them. Do a good job at work. Earn raises and promotions (if you want them). Maintain a nice appearance, esp. in public. Volunteer somewhere you'll interact with people. Take up an instrument if you're into music, even if you're not that naturally talented, it's still fun.
Basically, my best advice is do things to build your own confidence, and make you feel good about you.
This has two huge benefits.
First is ... it's inherently attractive to potential partners when they perceive that you ... feel good about you. Not cocky, just ... you don't dislike yourself.
Second is ... you won't feel as sad about being on your own for the time that you are. Being truly comfortable alone (i.e. not in a loving relationship) has all kinds of benefits, actually. Which leads me to ...
Lastly, there's not much that's less generally attractive to women than a man conveying 'desperation'. I don't mean to reduce this to animal instinct, but we are animals, and we're wired a certain way when it comes to relationships and sex (and all kinds of other things).
We want what we perceive OTHER people want (or would want, if they knew about it). It's practically at the core of our being as primates. Again, this is broadly speaking here ... but it's instinctual.
I'm not saying you should lie, or make up stories, but you will undermine your efforts by doing things like talking about wanting marriage straight off, esp. since you aren't looking for a right-wing woman.
Good luck out there. You sound like a solid dude.