Animal Shelter fundraiser, your Exs name in the litter pan [View all]
Title-Animal shelter lines litter boxes with names of peoples exs for Valentines Day fundraising effort
FEB 05, 2021 AT 12:51 PM
snip-Talk about getting dumped.
A Maine animal shelter is raising money by selling negative advertising at the bottom of litter boxes, where their cats will relieve themselves on the written names of people whose ex-lovers are looking for revenge.
snip-Well write your exs name on a small piece of paper and place it in one of our finest litter boxes. Then our cats will get to work! Our felines promise to cover your #1 ex in plenty of #2, reads an ad on the shelters Facebook page. All proceeds will benefit our residents. Please visit the following link between now and February 14th to declare your unlove this Valentines Day.
How to reach the shelter at source.
I paid for insects to be fed to a lizard one year. It was therapeutic.