Hotel Bibles are still a thing. But for some brands, they're on their way out. [View all]
The concept of putting a Bible in-room is an outdated practice and is exclusive to the religious denomination that believes in that scripture only, Alastair Thomann, CEO of Generator and Freehand Hotels, said in an email. We dont provide Bibles in-room because our travelers are so diverse, and we want our properties to feel inclusive of all varying beliefs and spiritual traditions.
Even some older names the Borgata in Atlantic City and Travelodge UK were ahead of the secular pack. Travelodge UK moved Bibles from rooms to the reception desk back in 2007 in order not to discriminate against any religion, according to a statement.
Provenance Hotels, with 14 properties in the United States, offers guests a spiritual menu in their rooms that lets them call the front desk and request the book of their choice.
That solution is welcomed by the Freedom From Religion Foundation, a Wisconsin-based organization that promotes church-state separation and embraces nontheism. The group regularly asks hotels to remove religious literature from rooms when they have conventions, and it sells $3 stickers perfect for hotel rooms with a skull and crossbones that say Warning: Literal Belief in this book may endanger your health and life.
I don't think normal people want to read the bible?