The religious right should be careful what they wish for, [View all]
If taxpayers are funding private, parochial education, then the clamor for taxpayers to have a supervisory role on those private schools can only grow. You cant raid my wallet and then deny me the right to weigh in on how it is spent.
And on a broader scale, it is no secret that the countries of Europe, often with fully established churches, and with open government funding of religious schools, are far less religious than the United States. Jeffersons separation of church and state hasnt just protected society from religious control, it has protected religious groups from becoming unpopular, ineffective, and supervised wings of the state.
So now we wait for the transcript, and then the decision. None of us is particularly hopeful that the Supreme Court will do what is categorically the right (and constitutional) thing and prevent non-religious Americans from being forced to finance religious schools.