Wingnut Wants to Force PP to Build Memorial Wall for Fetuses [View all]
Wingnut Wants to Force PP to Build Memorial Wall for Fetuses
October 16, 2015 by Ed Brayton

The Republican party has launched many a goofy, bizarre attack on Planned Parenthood and the women they serve, but this one may take the cake. Rep. Rick Brattin, a Missouri state legislator and (of course) a Republican
thinks that Planned Parenthood should have to put up a memorial wall like the one in Washington, DC to honor those who died in Vietnam, as a tribute to all the fetuses that have been aborted.
On Wednesday, Missouris House committees on Children and Families and Ways and Means brainstormed new restrictions on abortion providers in response to videos showing Planned Parenthood employees discussing fetal tissue donations.
According to KBIA, the most controversial proposal came from Brattin.
We have 56 million babies that have been lost in the abortion service and industry, Brattin opined. I think maybe requiring that Planned Parenthood set up some type of memorial, like a Vietnam Wall type [memorial].
The lawmaker added: I know that sounds crazy, but by state law [fetuses are] given human status, so should there be a human memorial attached to that human life?
Oh, just go build a Tomb of the Unknown Fetus for you and your anti-choice pals to weep around and leave everyone else out of it. Im actually kind of surprised that the Christian right hasnt created a flag with a fetus on it. They care far more about fetuses than they do about actual people. The minute youre born, to hell with you, you lazy, welfare-receiving burden on society!
Brattin, not coincidentally, is also one of the many right-wing legislators who have invoked the term legitimate rape. Last year he
submitted a bill that said no woman could have an abortion unless the sperm donor gave her notarized permission to get one, except in cases of legitimate rape.
How about we build a memorial wall for all of the victims who died because they didn't have access to birth control and abortion thanks to religious misogynists instead?
Or even better how about we stop letting them create more victims?