"Dangerous Persuasions" on the ID Channel [View all]
Standard Disclaimer: Posted in the Atheists/Agnostics Group, a place sometimes described as a dangerous anti-theist cult its own self. Nothing herein should be construed as a criticism of True Religion, only criticism of False Cults. To know the difference, consult with a licensed Sophisticated Theologian.
The link below is a wrap-up of this season's "Dangerous Persuasions" show on the ID Channel, with previews of each episode.
The show deals with people who have escaped from dangerous cults or similar orgs.
Pretty good season, overall. Shows included a couple about the $cientologists, a bizarre Xian para-military sect where a Mom was forced to beat her baby with a belt, and others.
Last night's episode veered away from religion somewhat - "Asking Questions Means You're An FBI Agent." About a woman enlisted into a San Francisco Communist group in the late 1970s. The tactics for recruitment etc. were exactly the same as those for a religious cult, which was interesting. Separation from relatives, browbeating, physical punishment, etc.
Even the goals were the same - "Builidng a Better World!" Whether you want to do that with Jesus, Marx, or El Ron, it always seems to involve the same thing - surrendering your own identity and working 24/7 for The Cause with no pay.
Conclusion - if a cult ever pays minimum wage, it will probably conquer the world and we will all be doomed.