In All Seriousness, Will Ted Cruz Really Drive People to Atheism? [View all]
Were talking someone who would openly speak out against LGBT rights, womens rights, evolution, climate change
all issues Republicans want to avoid in the next election. When social issues become the focus in a state-wide or national race, they lose. Many Republicans even avoided signing a Supreme Court brief against nationwide marriage equality because its such a toxic issue for them. They dont want another Todd Akin, especially as theyre watching Governor Mike Pence get hammered over his anti-LGBT legislation. You think Ted Cruz is going to avoid those issues? Not a chance. Social issues would become the centerpiece of his campaign.
What does that mean for those of us on the other end of the Humanist spectrum? It means more young people shying away from the label of Christianity and maybe even doubting their faith altogether, because they dont want to be part of a religion that does so much damage in our society. It takes someone as extreme as Cruz to make them realize how awful their beliefs really are.
I firmly believe the presidency of George W. Bush, with his faith-based policies, did as much (if not more) to drive people away from faith as the New Atheist books and the discussions surrounding them. And when it comes to public pronouncements of religion, Ted Cruz is George W. Bush on steroids.
So laugh at the Borowitz article
but realize its really not that much of a joke.