Interesting Michigan Stone Structures
March 26, 2015
Short article excerpt:
I also came across many articles on a Stonehenge like structure that has been discovered deep under the waters of Lake Michigan. The structure was discovered in two thousand and seven by a university professor with sonar who was surveying the lake floor for shipwrecks near Traverse City. While they found the usual ships, cars, and even an old pier, they also made a fascinating, and potentially prehistoric discovery. One of the stones on the outer circle appears to have a carving of a mastodon, which is a prehistoric, elephant like animal that is thought to have gone extinct approximately ten thousand years ago. The carving of the mastodon indicates that the structure itself may be over ten thousand years old. The structure is also under 40 feet of water, which suggests that it was most likely built before the land became a lake, which also indicates that it was constructed over ten thousand years ago. This structure has not been extensively studied, due to the fact that it is so deep under water. The problem arises when many of the experts on carving and glyphs are not divers, so they cannot examine the stones and inscriptions up close and person to verify or dispute the authenticity. There is evidence of other stone circles and petroglyphs in the Great Lakes region, which makes it possible that this is an authentic, prehistoric site.
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Thank you for mentioning this site which sounds like something which deserves serious attention. I noted a short time ago, looking through info. for references that the people on Beaver Island don't want others to call attention to it and attract a lot of traffic from people wanting to find out more for themselves!
I think it has been the policy from the first, for European-descended geniuses to assume there is nothing in the Americas to care about, it was all empty except for a few "Indians" and that's why they've always called it the "New World." Clearly,
"they" were greedy, merciless, murderous idiots who refused to treat the inhabitants with respect before murdering them and taking their homeland after the genocide. . . .