What percentage of people at your churches are under age 35? [View all]
I ask because it's easily a majority at mine, in fact even all the pastors are, but I know this is quite rare. I was talking with another 20something woman who goes to a Lutheran seminary who's been invited to preach this summer during a special series the lead pastor wants a variety of people preaching besides him (we are not Lutheran either but we have a huge variety of people from all sorts of denominational backgrounds), and she was talking about how she preached in some Lutheran church earlier this month but doesn't want to reuse any of her sermons from then because "they were written for all the old people" and joked about how that church was mostly just people over 60. I'm wondering if there are any people my age at more traditional churches, from my experience it's actually quite rare.
On a side and somewhat related note, a comment I once heard from a girl in the lobby: "Seriously, we are totally the best looking church ever."