He was a soldier, explorer who then became a hermit living in the Sahara with the Tuareg as a priest. He envisioned the formation of communities he called Little Brothers and Sisters of Jesus. This did not happen during his live time but has sense grown into a movement.
Something I remember from his writings is that we do not have to go to the desert. We just need to find the desert within. A Franciscan Priest, Fr. Richard Rohr started The Center for Contemplation and Action headquartered in Santa Fe, NM that you might find helpful.
I think that you are Orthodox and these are Catholic groups but truth is truth.
I am a "cradle Catholic" who nearly lost his faith because of a stupid book. I was brought back to right thinking by a little community in Houston, Texas of Latin Rite Catholic who were allowed to celebrate the Divine Liturgy in the Melchite Catholic Rite. The Liturgy revitalized my faith and I began to understand that the issue I had was not present in the Orthodox and Eastern Rite Catholic Churches.
I know we are not in Paschal time but every Sunday is a time to celebrate the Resurrection with The Paschal troparion.
As I learned it - Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tomb, restoring life!
This youtube of the Paschal troparion is glorious. It gives a hint of the true glory of heaven. I would call it an audio ikon, a sound window into heaven.
Even the gates of Hell shall not prevail
Christ in Limbo - Fra Angelico
Pray for me when you attend the Divine Liturgy and I will of you at the Mass.