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Showing Original Post only (View all)Why the family conflicts now?? [View all]
Hubby and I got in a shitfight on facebook with one of his sons and the daughter in law.
The son who is almost 40 doesn't comprehend what he posts. He posts racist crap comparing Obama to Hitler and Mussolini and Stalin, and then got mad at me because I said he was naive and I said the crap he was passing on was hate speech and rightwing horseshit.
I explained why hate speech is not acceptable. If we don't see them for a year it will help my mental health. He wants me to apologize for "embarrassing him" in front of his "200 friends" on facebook.
Hubby told son he was nauseated by the racist crap he posted and would not visit their FB page. They have a joint FB page. The DIL said I was nasty. I did not say the kid was a bad person. I don't do ad hominem attacks. I get frustrated when I explain myself and people don't understand. I think logically and run my world on facts. I went to law school and have a law degree. They don't have any valid arguments on their side. Just name calling. They don't understand why it is hate speech and not acceptable.
But then he was raised by fundamentalists and bible bangers. He got rid of religion and became an atheist but is a much nicer person. I don't know if he's ever gonna critically analyze what he believes. He said government is bad. I told him that nobody was stopping him from moving to Somalia, which is a libertarian paradise with no laws and no courts. So they have perpetual war and violence. He was shocked that I suggested that, but that is the logical outcome of his views. He wants me to apologize to him for embarrassing him. i just won't communicate with him.
We also saw the younger son over in Tulsa and the new grandbaby on Father's Day. Their house is tiny, dark and depressing. They have two annoying cats, and a yappy dog in the kitchen, behind a gate. They have blankets over the windows because the wife does not like light for some reason. They are not interested in education or art or music (other than their metal bands) and don't like the Beatles so we were baffled as to what to talk about. I also have violent coughing fits when I am around cats and dogs, to the point that I almost throw up.
I keep telling myself a couple of lines from the Warrior's Prayer by Stuart Wilde: In conflict, I walk away. In detachment, I am free.