I read somewhere that Caesar wouldn't get off his seat for the senate, owing to incontinence that standing up would reveal. Ah, the days before pampers. And the senate and others took umbrage, rather extreme umbrage. I can't verify that story, nor even find it, but it might be part of the "history rhymes" tradition.
As with Der Führer, blind ambition usually means leadership disaster. With such a volatile situation, nobody knows what catastrophic event might ensue, only that its chances are very high.
Any cult promises acceptance of the marginalized and people eager to blame others for their own weaknesses and failures, and in exchange, "legitimizes" some prohibited behavior such as racism, misogyny, violence, theft and so on. But it comes at a cost: dignity, money, opportunity, and sometimes, life itself. But those aren't figured into the initial "bargain".
On a "hate high" of racism and misogyny, people bought the lie of "good times coming". They were coming for the cult leader and his wealthy pals. Make no mistake, there's a threat even among pals. One's younger, richer, more studly.
And as for foreign "pals", I still believe, on the basis of words and actions, that Putin has enormous blackmail power over Tramp. It has to be over "black masses" [1] or some equally Epstein-esque carryings on, extremely sacrilegious and damning. Just my suspicion. That might unravel as Putin unravels further.
[1] Black masses ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Mass ) have historically been popular with the wealthy and privileged. "Eyes Wide Shut" is a take on this in modern times. Stanley Kubrick's last film.
One article [2] says "The Church of Satan has based its much publicized diabolism upon a rejection of the Christian ethics of self-denial and humility." And who exemplifies this more than the Trumpster himself?
[2] http://satansheaven.com/the-black-mass