Extreme cherry-picking from the Bible [View all]
A woman accused of murdering her three-year-old son beat him with a bamboo cane and said she was allowed to do so because the Bible told her to chastise him.
Christina Robinson, 30, also immersed her son in scalding hot water causing severe burns and shook him so violently that it resulted in brain damage, a court heard.
A jury was told the abuse took place while Robinsons husband, Gabriel Adu-Appau, was away undergoing basic training in the RAF. While he was away she was also having an affair with a man she met on the internet and trying to conceive using a sperm donor.
Wright said: The defendant now admits that she hit him with a weapon but says that she was allowed to do so because the Bible tells her that she should chastise her child.
Wright pointed to Robinsons assertion that beating a child with a cane so that she drew blood was consistent with her being an adherent of the teachings of the Bible. The rules of the Bible are something of a movable feast for her.
It's not meant to be a list of excuses for your worst impulses.