Should the religious learn to accept blasphemy? [View all]
Blasphemy is commonly defined as:
Blasphemy is the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence[for a religious deity or the irreverence towards religious or holy persons or things, or toward something considered sacred or inviolable.[1][2] Blasphemies can also mean any irreverent or disrespectful action or remark.[3] Some countries have laws to punish religious blasphemy,[4] while others have laws that sanction those who are offended by blasphemy to effect their wrath on blasphemers. Those laws may condone penalties or retaliation for blasphemy under the labels of blasphemous libel,[5] expression of opposition, or "vilification," of religion or of some religious practices,[6][7] religious insult,[8] or hate speech.[9]
Christians regularly complain that 'aggressive' atheists now treat all people of faith with contempt.
In Pakistan, Christians have been arrested for sending blasphemous text messages.
When certain cartoons are published Muslims around the world express outrage about what they perceive as a mocking of the Prophet Muhammad, something they regard as deliberate insult to their faith. Flags are burnt, embassies attacked and outrage prevails.
Of course, the irony is that a Christian will happily offend a Muslim and be outraged at an accusation of blasphemy and vice-versa. It seems blasphemy only counts if is against your God and faith, no-one elses.
Time to get off the religious high horse and accept that freedom is more important than anyone persons religious sensibilities? The rational argue that freedom of speech is vital to the health of a civilised society, and that this freedom is more important than any religious sensitivity. They are correct.
The religious needs to learn to accept blasphemy