one of the things that sticks with travelers to Turkey [View all]
As commercial hand sanitisers run dry in the US and Europe, people in Turkey are turning to a traditional, aromatic fragrance that has taken on a whole new relevance amid the coronavirus pandemic: kolonya.
Meaning cologne, kolonya has been a treasured symbol of Turkish hospitality and health since the Ottoman Empire, and its often described as Turkeys national scent. Traditionally, this sweet-scented aroma made with fig blossoms, jasmine, rose or citrus ingredients is sprinkled on guests hands as they enter homes, hotels and hospitals; when they finish meals at restaurants; or as they gather for religious services. But unlike other natural scents, this ethanol-based concoctions high alcohol content can kill more than 80% of germs and act as an effective hand disinfectant.
Kolonya has been a symbol of health and hospitality since the Ottoman Empire and is often sprinkled on guests' hands as they enter a home (Credit: yalcinsonat1/Getty Images)
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