What a great road trip! [View all]
We arrived Dulles on the 15th, rented a car, and headed out. Drove Skyline Drive through the Shenandoah, down the Blue Ridge to Linville Falls, then over and down to Savannah. From there it was up the coast through Savannah, Beaufort, Charleston, Georgetown, Ocracoke and Hatteras islands; then through Fort Raleigh, Yorktown, Jamestown, Williamsburg, Culpeper, with the final stop at Sully Plantation.
The weather was gorgeous. We arrived the day after a series of storms; with the exception of three short thunderstorms (all of which occurred in the late evening and which we thoroughly enjoyed) the weather was mostly sunny, in the mid-80's, and with low humidity. The last two days in Virginia were in the low-90's, and higher humidity, but not like they get later in summer. With the exception of our stay at Mansfield Plantation (outside Georgetown, SC) the bugs were hardly noticeable.
Did lots of hiking, sightseeing, met some wonderful people. We had a great time.
I'll post a couple pictures once I get them all sorted out.