WOW! 90-day dove season aproved in Texas, longest in 80 years! [View all]
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department approved extended dove seasons for the state in April. The Central Zone (including Austin) will start as usual on September 1st, but continue through November 6th (2 weeks longer than last year). It resumes in mid-December and ends January 8th. That's 90 days! Most of the extra time is in late Oct and early Nov when hunting for white wings and mourners is still pretty viable. Yea! (Deer season most likely starts the next day, Nov. 7.)
Haven't read what the reasoning is, but huge rains have caused asphalt to bloom, and grain is plentiful. Most of the camp fire talk goes with
the idea that if rains slacken off for the last 2 months of summer, excess water (which diffuses birds geographically) will dry up, concentrating birds. Also, the caliche won't suck the soles off your shoes!
Deer season regs were also approved in March, with changes which extend and encourage more antlerless take, including "doe days," mainly in central-east Texas. This counters the national trend which has seen deer numbers slope off. That usually means restrictions on doe takes, a reversal in conservation policy in place for several years.
Both seasons have good prospects.