Kite actually played in the NBA. Comparing 1980's athletes to today is absurd.
1980's athletes went through high school often playing different sports and although there were camps there wasn't the year round focus of AAU in basketball or 7-on-7 camps in football. Today's kids are in a regiment that was unheard of 30 YEARS ago other than hockey or soccer.
Two direct cases in point
Compare Len Bias as a freshman at Maryland to LeBron his rookie year in the NBA.
Cam Newton would have been the largest player on the Lombardi era Packers. I know that goes goes well back beyond the 80's but he would still been one biggest players of the early 90's Cowboys.
The nutrition and recovery technology (ice cold water pools at every NFL team) and lifelong weight training of today's NFL player wasn't literally scoffed at for those growing up in the 70's who ended up in the NFL in the 80's.
Brady plays against athletes who have been trained (including knowledge of the game) in an realm vastly superior to when he entered the league in 2001 let alone the 80's or 90's.