as good as most of her stuff.
I believe her book on Roswell will be coming out soon. She did a reading from it at the virtual version of one con.
I really, really love my connection to the science fiction world. I love it that in recent years I've gotten to meet any number of name authors, all of whom are wonderful.
What's so great about attending the cons is that the writers are there because they want to be there. They are more than happy to meet their fans and do the con stuff that they do. The only one who isn't totally wonderful is a certain writer whose popular and best selling book series has also been turned into a TV series and has been on one of the cable channels. The video version was completed before the print series has been completed, if that helps. He is pretty much the ONLY s-f writer who is recognized everywhere, so he has the problem of being a recognizable celebrity and has to deal with the loss of privacy that goes with that. I understand.
Here's my own story about him. I've seen him at various cons, as well as at the theater he owns here in Santa Fe, and while I don't expect him to know exactly who I am, I sort of expected he'd at least look at me and know he'd seen me before. More than once he's demonstrated he has no recollection of ever seeing me before. A while back I attended an event at his theater at which the other author I've been talking about, the one I saw the eclipse with, was the highlight of the evening. I walked into the small event room, and that author took one look at me, came over and gave me a bit hug. The theater owner, celebrity s-f writer, looked at me with a "Who the fuck is she?" look on his face.
I don't think he will ever learn to recognize me.
And heck, I'm an award-winning s-f writer in my own right. A former Writer of the Future. So there!