I posted this yesterday in a comment, saw it in a book from the 90s, "Culture Jamming." It could have been written in 2018. Liberals are the enemy:
"The liberal Left has a way of co-opting every worthwhile cause. ... But no longer are Lefties fighting the problem: they are the problem, and if we're going to build an effective new social movement, we're going to have to work not with them but around them. The critical issues of our time are neither Left nor Right, neither male nor female, neither black or white. The challenge for new millennium activists is to find the courage to let go of all their old orthodoxies, 'isms" and sacred cows, and to commit to 'a ruthless criticism of all that exists.' And after that, the big challenge is to bring revolutionary consciousness and contestation back into the modern world by standing up and boldly announcing to the world what Parisian rebels declared some thirty years ago: 'We will wreak the world.'"
They firmly believe that until a couple of years ago, nobody talked about universal health care, raising the minimum wage, wanting money out of politics and the wealthy to pay their fair share of taxes, bursting the college tuition bubble, no one has tried to fight against corporate power and economic inequality, etc. The Democratic Party platform was the same as the Republican except for identity issues and abortion. All inequality stems from economic insecurity. They think it's about ideology. The only hope is to burn everything down.