He and Bobby Seale have been fortunate to live as long as they did as so many black men never even make it long enough to reach their mid-60s to collect SS. Here is a recent pic -

A good historical summary that mirrors today -
Following the June, 1966, shooting of black activist James Meredith in Mississippi early on in his March Against Fear, Stokely Carmichael told fellow marchers, This is the 27th time I have been arrested and I aint going to jail no more! The only way we gonna stop them white men from whuppin us is to take over. What we gonna start sayin now is Black Power.
That October, in Oakland, Seale and Newton founded the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense. Howard and three others Sherwin Forte, Reggie Forte and Little Bobby Hutton signed on as founding members.
Howard told The Press Democrat in March of 2017
hed had enough of police brutality committed with impunity on African-Americans. No results came of it, and no one came to the peoples rescue, he said.
Initially, he and the other Black Panthers wore berets and black leather jackets as they stood in armed defiance and patrolled the streets in vigilance against police brutality. In the beginning, Howard said 2002,
the police would patrol our community, and almost every week somebody would get killed, and so a show of arms was a necessary move at the time. Extreme actions required extreme measures.
See back then, these guys were doing "open carry" (although as I understand, the rifles weren't loaded). Many of us have chuckled that the minute blacks start doing this again in their neighborhoods, suddenly the gun rules will be changed, quick, fast and in a hurry, especially when we stop shooting each other and go back to patrolling our neighborhoods against rogue cops.