Prominent black NRA defender criticizes ruling in Philando Castile case [View all]
Last edited Fri Jul 21, 2017, 11:38 AM - Edit history (1)
Source: The Guardian
Prominent black NRA defender criticizes ruling in Philando Castile case
Colion Noir says Friday ruling that police officer Jeronimo Yanez would not be charged in the death of Castile is just wrong and covert racism is a real thing
Lois Beckett
Tuesday 20 June 2017 14.44 BST
Two days after Philando Castile was shot dead by a police officer during a traffic stop, the National Rifle Association issued a statement.
Castiles death was troubling, the group said, adding that it supported the right of law-abiding Americans to carry firearms, no matter their race. Rest assured, the statement added, the NRA will have more to say once all the facts are known.
However, the groups most prominent black commentator, Colion Noir, is speaking out about the decision.
Yanez walking away from this case a free and clear man is just wrong, Noir wrote in an impassioned online post on Sunday. Though he despised race-baiting, Noir wrote, covert racism is a real thing and is very dangerous.
Philando Castile should be alive today. I dont feel (Yanez) woke up that day wanting to shoot a black person. However, I keep asking myself, would he have done the same thing if Philando were white?
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