The same groups now attacking the Mexicans crossing the border are the same people who didn't like my people when they came here to Ellis Island to immigrate so the illegal immigration argument is now failing as far as I see it. Those bastards like Joe Arpaio and all those people would have hated my kind as well and I see this well now including JT Ready. It seems like there is a big Tea Party element now in the Southwest or this is where most of them live it seems.. I wouldn't be surprised if in the wild west, a new type of KKK exists... the sheetless and more presentable who have even let more blacks into their groups too because they felt they had no other choice but ya I still think they are the most classist party and the party most apt to segregate by religion and they will claim it was a religious thing or political affiliation why they discriminated, not because of someones race. They try to avoid race a lot of these Tea baggers.. Just come out and say it wtf. I called a radio show of Tea party constitutionalist types before or I was on Talkshoe and when I said a few things "racist", they were like oh no, racism is so NOT our thing. They were trying to cover that up for sure either that or they really didn't think it, yet these people film illegals all the time or one guy did. thats how I found the radio show.. from that video he posted on youtube filming "illegal aliens" outside of Home Depot saying how these foreigners are coming in illegally and this and that. I would watch white people who are like that closely. They aren't to be trusted and this comes from someone "white". It reminds me of when David Duke is asked about racism.. Are you racist? He looks everyone in the eye into the camera and goes "No I'm not", I just want to preserve my christian heritage.. lol.