A Racist Message Buried for Thousands of Years in the Future - The Atlantic [View all]
A room-size time capsule preserves a snapshot of America in the 1930sincluding its curators prejudiced beliefs.
The Crypt of Civilization is arguably the largest time capsule in the world. Housed in a basement at a university north of Atlanta, this underground chamber with a massive stainless-steel door was packed with artifacts, then welded shut on May 25, 1940.
The crypt was designed to preserve a picture of life in the 1930s for humans thousands of years in the future. Inside are stacks of records and film reels alongside 640,000 pages of books shot onto microfilmed pages. There are appliances, clothing, preserved food, an original copy of the script of Gone With the Wind donated by its director, a bottle of Vaseline, and a Negro doll.
The crypt was made to be opened in 8113 C.E., a date based on the difference between when the project began1936and what at the time was thought to be the first year of the Egyptian calendar. The crypts return would be as far removed from the present as the present was from the pharaonic past. -
The Atlantic
Classify that one under historical, but weird.