Here's what we do when grocery shopping. [View all]
Put credit card and driver's license in plastic badge holder on neck lanyard.
I don't want to contaminate my wallet.
The plastic cards and holder are easy to sterilize.
Have gloves (several pair) in the car along with Clorox wipes and a container with a lid.
(haven't had/worn masks, but will from now on.)
Glove up before leaving car.
(It is NOT easy to open those plastic produce bags while gloved, BUT IT CAN BE DONE!)
Back at the car, we have a easy open automatic/kick hatch.
No hands.
Load groceries into car.
Carefully remove gloves, not touching with ungloved skin. Google it, it pretty easy.
Put gloves in container and put on lid.
Wipe hands with Clorox wipes as extra precaution.
You DO NOT want the passenger section of the car to be contaminated.
Do you wipe down grocery items?
CDC says 'probably' not necessary.
Up to you.
How about mail?
Again they say 'probably' not.
I am trying to get into the habit of washing my hands after returning, anytime I leave the house.
Oh yes, the used gloves in the 'contaminated container.
I wash them and the container with soap and hot water.
They are more easily washed than hands.
No fingerprints/ridges, wrinkles, nails, cuticles.
They can be reused.