Falls Can Kill You. Here's How to Minimize the Risk. [View all]
'Falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries among older adults. Every 19 minutes in this country, an older person dies from a fall.
*Falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries among older adults. Every 19 minutes in this country, an older person dies from a fall.
To be sure, nearly everyone falls now and then, and some falls are unavoidable. But falling is not an inevitable consequence of aging. Most age-related falls are preventable once you know why they happen and take steps to minimize the risk for yourself, relatives and friends whose age or health status renders them especially vulnerable. . .
More than a quarter of individuals age 65 and older fall each year, and falling once doubles their chances of falling again, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A fall that may be run-of-the-mill for a young person (as in the lyric Pick yourself up, brush yourself off and start all over again) can be very dangerous for the elderly.
One fall in five among older adults results in a serious injury, and older people are less able to recover from the trauma physically and emotionally.
Although broken bones are usually regarded as the most common serious consequence of falls, even if no fracture occurs, a fall can result in irreversible harm to an elderly persons health, social interactions and psychological well-being.
A frequent aftermath when older people fall is a heightened fear of falling, prompting them to limit their activities and cause further physical decline, depression and social isolation, which in turn can hasten death.
Many factors common among older people can increase the risk of falling: medical and orthopedic problems and the medications taken to treat them; physical changes that impair balance, gait and muscle strength; sensory declines in vision, hearing and awareness of body position; and pain that distorts body movements.
At the same time, there are ways to minimize the chances of a dangerous fall, starting with regular exercise to maintain leg strength, balance, endurance and coordination that can help you catch yourself and avoid a fall if you should trip. Tai Chi is an excellent, low-impact way to improve balance. Also, practice standing on one foot when you brush your teeth, wash dishes or prep a recipe. You might also get Carol Clementss new book, Better Balance for Life, that details a 10-week plan for improving stability.
Get your eyes checked at least once a year or more often if you have a gradually worsening condition like cataracts or macular degeneration. . .
Also get regular hearing checkups and consider hearing aids if needed. You dont want to be startled into a fall by someone or something approaching from behind.
Have your doctor review all your medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, for their ability to cause dizziness or drowsiness. Wherever possible, eliminate or lower the dose of those that are potentially troublesome. . .
Last, but by no means least, do a thorough evaluation of the fall risks in and outside your home environment. Get rid of clutter no books, papers, clothing or pet toys left on the floor or furniture that partially obstructs paths to the bathroom, bedroom, kitchen or front door. Install railings on stairways and always use them and grab bars around the shower or tub and toilet.
Evaluate the safety of floors and floor coverings, including throw rugs (a big no-no), loose carpets and raised ledges between rooms. Use a top quality nonskid mat in the shower. Repair all broken or uneven stairs and flooring. Keep electric and phone cords off the floor. Wipe up all spills immediately.
Invest in the best lighting you can afford. . .
Make an honest assessment of your footwear. . .
Think youll be painfully embarrassed? Think how much more humiliating and painful it will be if you fall.'