Oak Street Health just switched me to provider #5 [View all]
This time the only male on staff and I think he's brand new, there. That's fine but this situation is getting old.
I wonder if that last provider really did dislike me as much as I felt she did. And it was instant, from the first time I saw her. As soon as she would walk in to the room, the temperature seemed to drop. No chit chat. No attempt to make me feel comfortable. She's the one who told me if I'm in therapy I should 'be over' my anxiety/depression issues and that if she ever had to give me CPR, well, old bones are very brittle. And you would think if my BP is elevated every time I go in there, they'd change or supplement my medication. The fact is' much lower when I take it at home SHOULD have been their biggest clue that my anxiety is a major factor. She didn't accept that.
This one is going to have to LISTEN to me, something that hasn't happened since my first APN retired. If I feel the same lack of empathy, I'm walking out.
Fortunately I have new anxiety medication that might just work. I found out the stuff they had me on is really only for short term use, like in an ER.