For the first time Sunday night, Homeland Security officials spoke on camera about being overcome with symptoms similar to the "Havana Syndrome" reported by American diplomats in foreign countries since 2016. The high-ranking officials said they suffered unexplained vertigo, confusion and memory loss while on White House grounds and in their Washington homes.
Olivia Troye was a Homeland Security and counterterrorism adviser to Vice President Mike Pence. Trump was going to murder Pence on Jan. 6.
Miles Taylor, former chief of staff of Homeland Security during the Trump administration, had a similar experience in his D.C. home.
"What was really strange about it is, I went to the window, opened up my window, looked down at the street. And keep in mind, Scott, this is probably 3-- 3:30 in the morning and I see a white van," Taylor told Pelley. "And the van's brake lights turned on, and it pulled off and it sped away."
Were there white vans outside of CNN?
WTF is going on here.
"If my mother had seen what I saw, she would say, 'It's the Russians, stupid,'" Edgreen told 60 Minutes.