In reply to the discussion: CNN And MSNBC Are The Problem ----> Zero Violence In Nevada - They Lied And Are STILL LYING [View all]liberalmike27
(2,479 posts)This whole thing was a DNC planned event, to rile up the crowd by doing untoward things to Sanders supporters. But you're right, I've heard no less than four people who were there, and said there was absolutely no violence. The crowd was "restive," certainly. And that was justifiable. But there wasn't any violence, at least not in the Sanders camp.
This was the "Dean Scream," but since Sanders hadn't reacted in this way, they had to organize an event to make it "seem" like something was happening.
And as with the scream, not only do the news outlets go crazy with in this case, the lie, but all of the comedy networks do too. It's been joked about on Colbert, and I Heard Trevor Noah do a bit about it the other night, both very defamatory to both Sander's voters, and their campaign. They are "working it," no doubt, and I believe it was the plan from the start to whip the crowd up hoping for something, then tear them to pieces in the media.
The fix is in, well, it's been in for half a year or so.