ezra: So, I'll say it One. More. Time. Stop trying to ban people's guns and magazines. Just stop. And before you say "I only want to ban X", just keep in mind that X is most likely just a buzzword for a large subset of "people's guns and magazines."
No. It. Isn't.
Paranoia, big destroya.
Come all without, come all within You'll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn.
The gallup data you posted is one year old, oct 2016. Have you seen the latest nov 2017 from quinnipiac?
Support for an assault weapons/rifle vendor ban is at 65%, and twice the percentage for those who oppose it (you ezra, & most all this rkba board). You are currently outnumbered two to one nationwide, and align with the rightwing outlook.
Note the overall 20% INCREASING support for a vendor ban on assault rifles the past 5 years.
Quinnipiac University. Nov. 7-13, 2017. N=1,577 registered voters nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.
"Do you support or oppose a nationwide ban on the sale of assault weapons?"
............Support Oppose Unsure/No answer
11/7-13/17 ... 65 31 5
10/5-10/17 ...64 32 4
6/21-27/16 .. 59 37 4
12/16-20/15 .. 58 38 4
3/26 - 4/1/13 .. 59 36 4
2/27 - 3/4/13 .. 54 41 6
"Do you support or oppose stricter gun laws in the United States?"
.............Support Oppose Unsure/No answer
11/7-13/17... 60 36 3
Republicans ... 32 64 4 .. (btw, this is a democrat board, not republican).
Democrats .... 83 15 2
Independents.. 62 35 3
10/5-10/17... 60 36 3
Quinn is only one poll, which needs be corroborated tho. Below for perusal, the CNN question is different - also bans mfr & possession of, as gallup's did, while the mighty quinn just bans the sale of.
~ CNN: ban on manufacture, sale and possession of Hi-power rifles/semi-auto fire, such as AR15.
Favor Oppose Unsure
10/12-15/17 ... 49 49 3
Taken together, both polls shatter the gallup contentions of a year ago. You're OP is outdated, you're now in the minority, or parity at best.
Sorry to rain on your parade. Better rain than a bumped ar15 on the 30th floor.