What These Gun Nuts Actually Told Katie Couric Is Ten Times Worse Than 'Deceptive' Silence [View all]
Katie Couric didn't hurt them, she helped them.
To hear conservatives tell it, Yahoo News anchor and executive producer of the documentary Under the Gun Katie Couric committed high crimes and misdemeanors against gun-nuttery when one of her editors followed a question about background checks with eight seconds of silence, when in reality, the group of gun enthusiasts had given immediate responses. Couric has apologized, because of course she has, but it doesn’t seem like anyone has actually stopped to listen to the answers Couric’s editor cut out of the film, because if anything, she should be apologizing to the families of all the gun violence victims, not the gun nuts. She did the cause of unfettered access to guns a huge favor.
Really, she did them several favors, because not only did that edit cover up the completely insane and stupid answers these people gave, Couric also failed monumentally even in the interview. Here’s the audio of the two minutes following that fateful question, which was, “If there are no background checks for gun purchasers, how do you prevent felons or terrorist from walking into, say, a licensed gun dealer and purchasing a gun?”
Listen to what these idiots said, and tell me that eight seconds of silence isn’t a huge improvement: