jimmy wrote: I comprehend normal english & rational reasoning just fine.
beevul replied: Asserted without evidence, dismissed likewise. And then you provide evidence to the contrary:
How about the below? refutals of your factless assertions, & your going comatose when shown to be wacky:
Beevul: Deaths: Final; data for 2013. The top 15 causes of death, in order, are: {1-13,
14.Parkinsons 25,196
15.Pneumonitis due to solids and liquids 18,579 }
Shooting doesn't seem to make the top 15
..... I then posted a breakdown of suicides: 2013 (suicide) by discharge of firearms .......... 21,175
Which places firearm suicide at #14.
Yet where did beevul acknowledge his glaring error? nowhere. He only wrote this childish ad hominem before going comatose: So much bla bla bla, so little substance
Beevul's warped position on suicide, oblivious to impetuous suicide amongst young people:
beevul: As a second reason, I support people being able to take their own lives for any reason
Beevul argued till blue in his face his signature line was valid, until I posted this, then he suddenly went comatose, unable to even gasp out a parting shot:
beevul's signature line: 99.9 percent of gun owners do not shoot or kill anyone. Focus on the .1 percent who misuse guns, and leave the rest of us who don't, and our guns, the hell alone. Member of the 99.9 percent.
jimmy replied: If we go with 100 million gun owners in 2016, 0.1% of them = 100,000. Beevul's current premise is that 0.1%, or approx 100,000 gun owners, do not shoot or kill anyone, ever, in their lifetimes. His figures are indeed borne out close enough to a one year crime report on gunshot injury by shooting or killing.
So, in the year we are in, 2016, we can estimate that 100,000 gun owners will shoot or kill someone this year.
However, beevul's sig line falls apart, since it assumes that NONE of the other 99.9 million gun owners alive in 2016 have EVER SHOT OR KILLED ANYONE in their past lives.
I can understand reasoning quite well, despite your asinine bleating that you're some kind of superior brain. I've stuffed you more times than I've stuffed a thanksgiving turkey, actually kind of the same thing.