You overlooked this part of the article?: Conversely, the nine states with the lowest per-household gun ownership from 2001 to 2004 also had the nine lowest suicide rates. They were Hawaii, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, California, Illinois and Maryland.
Nope. Sure didn't. I saw the word "rate" used there too.
Huh? no comprende'.
No shit. Nothing new there for you. A for consistency.
All those anti gun gun hater gun control states somehow reduced their suicide rates to the lowest levels, just by serendipitous chance, eh?
Did they? Reduced them from what exactly?
Which would put all the other pro gun states as having HIGHER suicide rates, right? You lose any way you look at it, low population moot.
Says you. Population NOT moot. The smaller a population, the larger the margin for error when applying a rate. That's a fact james. You know the game being played with the rate just like everyone else, so get off your pious horse and quit pretending you don't.
You saying that suicide & gun ownership figures from high population California, New York, Illinois, Mass, NJ, & ~Md would somehow paint a different picture?
No, I'm saying that any actual figures from states, paint a different very picture than the one painted into a rate which relies heavily on population in its calculation.
Why should anyone believe your gobbledygook?
Because its factual, that's why. We could take a poll in this group and see whether people believe you or me more. Feelin froggy?